Sunday, 9 June 2013

A Bit of Cambodian Publicity!

Last week the Cambodian Prime Minister's wife (Bun Rany) visited Sarah's orphanage!  
There is footage of her holding Sarah!  
If you want to watch it here is the link.  Scroll ahead to 53:20 and you will see her for about 50 seconds.  Apparently she is usually very shy, so it's a miracle she let Bun Rany hold her.

The Prime Minister's wife is interested in Sarah's situation and is willing to try to help!  Of course, she has no control of the Canadian side of things (which is where the roadblock is), BUT we are hoping that her influence and interest may help make the Cambodian side of things smoother and possibly help in some other ways.  

We have also had a few other people step forward and offer us some help!  This has been SUCH a gift as we have been praying specifically for guidance and wisdom with how to move forward.  Please keep praying for Canadian gov't officials to be open to hearing about our situation and to be willing to help.  

It has been amazing really- in the past month the Cambodian P.Minister's wife met Sarah, wonderful people offered to help us out with appealing our gov't, Joel's friends visited Sarah while travelling in Asia (a picture below!) and got us some precious pictures of Sarah, and people have been super supportive.  Thanks so much for your support, prayers, encouragement and interest.  It means a tonne!

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